Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 16

Tuesday's are our longest and hardest day. It is 5:45PM and we just finished a greuling day. I decided that I wanted to step up my caloric burn so I volunteered to try my endurance at SPINNING. What a mistake? It was brutal. I survived but I could not do the simulated mountain climbs but I am not a quitter so I will be back on Thursday to try again.

I must tell you how hard the trainers work for us and push us to our limits. They are knowledgeable as well but I must say that when we have or sparring or kick boxing classes it is nice to take out some of our aggression on them...LOL

By the way I no longer have Ira and his harum as we got two new guys in yesterday. Trevor and Clayton real nice guys. I am still the shortest one here except for "Half-Pint" Meghan.

It is like a family here as we push and encourage each other to meet our goals. My idol is "Aussie" Annie. I am trying to get to her level of determination.

Anyway thanks again to my friends and supporters. Another day in my new lifes journey complete.



  1. YOU GO IRA!!!! I am proud of you and I know that you truly giving this program your all. keep it up!!!! marc

  2. I am not a fan of spinning myself. But it is a HUGE calorie burner
